Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where are my pearls and high heels?

I do photography (Freelance), sure! I DO work... not very often. I'm a stay at home mom while my boyfriend makes the doh. I hear "mommy I need this, I want this, what do you think about this, will you play store with me, barbies, dolls, ANYTHING, mommy, mommy, mommy". I would love to have a full-time job, my daughter in school and then give her great big hugs and kisses when I don't get to see her all day because I'm working and shes learning! I love my family, I love my life, but I need a change! I clean, I cook, tend to my daughter, and thats how I contribute around here. Where are my pearls and high heels? Can't forget the apron! It sounds peachy, sure, but trust me ladies.. it gets hard just being in the house all day! I know women do this, but this is not for me. My daughter is starting to see me really on edge. I hate that she is so bored and she wants to go to school so badly, all though I love her ambition. I can't and am not happy playing dolls and pretending to go grocery shopping all day. She gets lonely being the only child! If only she had a sibling, life would be a little easier for her anyway :) I have been to countless job interviews! I have experience with teaching (foster home, rehabilitation center, dancing, all ages from 4-18), photography... why is this so hard to find a job?! I'm looking to get out of the career of teaching (the little ones). I want to communicate with adults during the day and go back to my child when school is over and work is done for the day. I love my child but I don't want to live and breathe her, as well as I'm sure she doesn't want live and breathe me. I think we both need time away from home, and eachother. Not like a break break, but the normal everyday life..... schooling and working. We are both independent and eager individuals! Both of us being home everyday, knowing this is where we are and are going to be everyday from the moment we wake up till we go to bed... can  you see how it would drive me crazy? Atleast if I were working and she were in school then we would have something to really look forward to for the next day and would WANT to come home to eachother. Sure, we do fun things, arts and crafts, we play games, we go to the park sometimes (not here lately). But this mommy needs her time! Its time for a change! I think mommy needs to take off her pearls, high heels, and apron and go work like life is calling me to do! Let me get my business atire and go make some money honey!

1 comment:

  1. Just think - 6 more months, and she'll be in Kindergarten. Then, you'll get your Mommy break. I know it seems far away, but hopefully it'll come sooner than later. I'm glad you got your treat tonight. :) xoxo
